Sunday, August 30, 2015

Trudeau, Liberals don't learn from their past

Blunders , Scams and Lies

Sometimes the old ways are not a good thing.

Trudeau recently in awe over a Corrupt Former PM

Change, what change, same old same old.

Justin Trudeau engaged with the infamous Liberal Paul Martin. Things they want to forget, and what we should remember.

Federal Liberal government past performance:

1. EH-101 HELICOPTER CANCELLATION FIASCO - Upon taking power in 1993, the Liberals killed a contract to replace the ageing Sea King military helicopters. Few remember the cancellation cost taxpayers a $500 million penalty.
2. HEALTH CARE: While the Liberals portray themselves as the guardians of our national health care system, it was Martin's $25-billion cuts to health care funding when he was finance minister in the early 90s that led to the crises in the health care system today.
3. TAINTED BLOOD SCANDAL: Millions of dollars in federal funding was not transferred to victims; therefore many victims had died.
4. RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL ABUSE CLAIMS: Of the $200 million spent on claims administration; only $38 million went to the victims.
5. PENSION FUNDS LOST: Military veteran's and widow's of veterans lost their pension funds to the Liberal Government.
6. EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE FUND SCANDAL: $44 billion in excess contributions were placed in a Reserve Fund which was contrary to the federal government's own guidelines.
7. LAX IMMIGRATION STANDARDS: Their government couldn't find thousands of failed refugee claimants, some of which had links to terrorism and organized crime.
8. TRANSPORTATION FUNDS LOST: Under the Liberals, our national air and rail carriers lived from one crisis to crisis.
9. BUYING ADVICE: Liberals spent $6.5 billion annually on outside consultants - to buy "advice" which was largely available from within the public service.
10. FUEL REBATE 2000: A botched $1.4 billion heating fuel rebate program doled out cash to the wrong Canadians. Some rebates went to dead people, some to prisoners and students who were living at home and didn't even pay heating bills.
11. HRDC Mismanagement: Calling accounting problems "widespread and serious," the auditor general revealed in 2000 that $1 billion was mismanaged in job creation grants handled by Human Resources Development Canada, under minister Jane Stewart.
12. CHALLENGER JETS: The Liberal government spent $101 million on luxury Challenger jets deemed unnecessary by officials at the Department of National Defense.
13. GUN REGISTRY 1995-2005: Originally forecast to cost $2 million in 1995, the Auditor General predicted in 2003 that actual costs would escalate to $1 billion by 2004-2005. Calculations now suggest the costs had actually ballooned to $2 billion for a registry that was ridiculous and did not and would never work.
14. RADWANSKI AFFAI003R(2): Inadequate oversight and spending controls allowed former privacy commissioner George Radwanski to rack up thousands of tax dollars in lavish lunches and luxury travel.
15. SPONSORSHIP 2004: The auditor general revealed that up to $100 million of the $250 million federal sponsorship program went to Liberal-friendly advertising firms for little or no work. A new figure of $355 million is from the forensic accounting firm, Kroll Lindquist Avey.
16. GREAT BUMWAD FIASCO: The Liberal government bought the Weston Inc. owned toilette paper plant, an eyesore property across from the Parliament Buildings for $36 million. It was to be the site of a future park . The Liberal government then leased it back to the original owner for 25 years.
17. BLUENOSE GRANT: A $2.3 million Bluenose grant was allocated by the Liberals but $1.9 million had been siphoned off by an ad agency.
18. FAILURE TO COLLECT GST: A seven year failure of the Liberal government to collect GST resulted in fraud of over $1 billion lost through loop-holes.
19. MEDICAL MARIJUANA: Ottawa's $5.5 million contract with Prairie Plant Systems to produce medical-marijuana for registered users was a bust. The active ingredient was so low that the weak pot had few therapeutic benefits and little monetary value, yet cost tax payers over $500,000 per kilogram to produce.
20. PRIVATE GOVERNMENT FOUNDATIONS: The Liberal government stashed untold billions in private government foundations which were hidden from public scrutiny and beyond the reach of the Auditor General and Privacy Commissioner.
21. CSL, CANADIAN STEAMSHIP LINES: Paul Martin circumvented Canadian health, labour and safety standards by re-flagging ships from his former company CSL. Martin fired the Canadian crews on his CSL ships and replaced them with cheap foreign labour. He registered his assets off-shore in Barbados to avoid paying his fair share of Canadian taxes. Also there was $161 million in federal development money paid to CSL which was unknown to Paul Martin.