Monday, August 19, 2019

SCIENCE AND EVIDENCE-BASED : Characteristics of a Sociopath


Psychopath and sociopath are popular psychology terms to describe a sometimes violent monster born from nightmares, but fortunately most of us will never meet the monster; however psychopaths and sociopaths do exist among us. Sometimes they are very successful people in our society, and that's because they’re often ruthless, callous and superficially charming, all the while having little or no regard for the feelings or needs of others.

Psychopaths and sociopaths share a number of characteristics, including a lack of remorse or empathy for others, a lack of guilt or ability to take responsibility for their actions, a disregard for laws or social conventions, and an inclination to violence. A core feature of both is a deceitful and manipulative nature. 

But how can we tell them apart?

Sociopaths are normally less emotionally stable and highly impulsive – their behaviour tends to be more erratic than psychopaths. When committing crimes – either violent or non-violent – sociopaths will act more on compulsion. And they will lack patience, giving in much more easily to impulsiveness and lacking detailed planning.

Sociopathic personality traits and characteristics form a persistent and pervasive pattern that define a sociopath. They are consistent over time and are part of all aspects of their life.

The characteristics of a sociopath make up who he is and these sociopathic traits influence what he does. A sociopath is a cold, callus, and calculating individual who has a pattern of:

  • Lying / Untrustworthy
  • Irresponsibility
  • Manipulation
  • Lack of emotion

Lying and Storytelling

A characteristic of a sociopath is that they are so charming, so personable, that you want to believe them. Many people do believe them, which is why they get away with it. Do not believe them.

Never trust a sociopath. They are liars. They lie to get their way, to hurt, and sometimes just for amusement. A sociopath is extremely skilled at lying, so much so that it always seems as though they’re telling the truth.

 As a pathological liar, a sociopath constantly makes up stories so captivating that people easily believe them. They have a natural deftness making stories compelling and believable. A sign of a sociopath is the ability to maintain eye contact. They do so even while lying. An underhanded trait is the ability to control people through their presence and communication style. They makes eye contact, smile sincerely and confidently. The sociopath is charismatic, and is magnetic  drawing in their audience whether it's a crowd of one or one hundred or more.
If you come across a narcissistic sociopath, beware of their sense of entitlement. If you don't worship them, you will pay.


Sociopaths can be incredibly successful, excelling in powerful careers. A sociopath characteristic is that their motivation differs drastically from everyone else's. They can be responsible in the way that the world defines responsibility if it suits their whim; that is, if it helps them or hurts someone they want to hurt. Otherwise, a sociopath doesn't care about conforming to someone else's definition of responsibility.

This irresponsibility includes a complete refusal to take ownership of their actions. Denial and blame are prominent sociopath traits. Sociopaths can hurt someone and feel nothing. When accused of anything, the sociopath shrugs it off in cool denial. They are acutely aware of their actions and has neither shame nor remorse for what they have done. They just won't take responsibility, ever, because they genuinely believes their actions are always justified. Victims deserve what they get, thinks the sociopath.


This one trait leads to the other characteristics of a sociopath. The sociopath feels no empathy, no emotion. Completely unconstrained by empathy or guilt and willing to say or do anything to accomplish their goals reinforces them as out-of-control madmen who are evil to the core. They manipulate and control who they want, how and whenever they want. 

No Emotion

The sociopath is unencumbered by feelings such as fear, anxiety, stress, depression, remorse or guilt. When they tire of one circus, they closes it down and, feel nothing about the destruction left behind, They just set out to create a new one.