Wednesday, September 08, 2010

To Burn or not to Burn - What's the problem?

I am definitely not a redneck but I think if one man, pastor or not, wants to burn a book to symbolise his feelings then why stop him.

A mountain out of a mole hill is being made by our once again notorious media and the back boneless politicians who are trying to appease the 'mass'less.

I am not the most eager of people to support many of the American ethics or practices, not by a long shot, but put the shoe on the other foot people. How many of these book loving people have burned USA flags in order to symbolise their emotions. What happened on 9.11 is serious and full of emotion. So what's the big deal? It's not the whole FN world doing it.  If burning flags is their right, burning a book is his right - no?

All religions over the years have caused strife and wars including the Christian religion, but we acknowledge it and try to live a better than that life. Well, I think it is time some of these other religions do the same. Acknowledge the fact that their religion ( fanatic or not) was instrumental in the 9.11. tragedy, help find the people responsible and who keep promoting their fanaticism and move forward.