Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Our Flag - Celebrate it


This year is another year for celebrating Canadian unity. On February 15, 2015 we celebrate the 50th anniversary  (1965–2015) of our proud emblem - the Red Maple Leaf - as our nation's flag.

I know I was young when our flag was adopted, but I feel a real sense of being part of that history.  I remember all of a sudden I was carrying the Maple Leaf instead of the Red Ensign as I marched with the boy scouts on parades in my home town.

Look at some of those events
since then that our country's proud symbol flew high and centre over:

  • 1967 Expo - Montreal 
  • 1972 Canada vs. Russia Hockey
  • 1976 Summer Olympics - Montreal
  • 1986 Expo - Vancouver
  • 1988 Winter Olympics - Calgary    
  • 2010 Winter Olympics -Vancouver.

This just to name a few.

I can only imagine the amount of politicking before it happened, but the right decision was made. 

Let's stand tall and try to encourage some celebration for this great event in our Canadian history. Go and make some Canadian noise or if you wish — have a party. I have a dessert that is just right...
True North strong and free.