Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Say Good-bye Obama

Obama does not XL.

Amazing how all the puffery that the U.S.A. spouts in terms of world peace and yet they are still trapped in an isolationist past. 
Nothing learned from Gen. Y seems to have taken hold with them — attributes as — adapting rapidly; crave change and challenge; constantly creating;exceptionally resilient; committed and loyal when dedicated to an idea, cause or product; acceptance of diverse backgrounds easily and openly; and most of all, global in perspective. This last attribute in particular has no meaning. Obama is now a cave-dweller. He showed no loyalty to either Canada or Australia last week. Two countries that for the most part are in-line with the U.S.A. on major international issues e.g. China and India's new Asia, Russia's predacious hunger for Ukraine and the socially impaired Middle East — and yet he is willing to let all that go;
 for what? to try and save his name? 

Obama’s only has two years — Canada and Australia can survive 
and the XL pipeline says, " f——k you".