Sunday, December 09, 2012


Amazing - absolutely amazing that we keep learning new things. I just read, then watched, and then investigated about an historical event that is so horrific, and yet completely subdued from main line schooling. That event, "The Nanking Massacre". I learned Chinese history in elementary and high school. I learned about World War II also, but I never learned about this topic. We are told about the holocaust and all the Jews etc. that were murdered, but the events in China, I believe were even more horrific. Rape - babies, young pre-teens, grand-mothers, and decapitations and vaginal intrusions of all kinds. You should google it, become familiar with it. I love Japan, this is not meant to slight them or the culture. I just think we should not be bigoted in our belief that only the western holocaust existed.  If you do read up on it, I would be interested in your feedback.