Saturday, July 30, 2011


  Below are the lyrics of Solsbury Hill by Peter Gabriel - you know, ex of 
Genesis. Back when it first came out, I took things so literal. What a pleasure 
to have hindsight.
  This song is the raw emotion of soul-searching, weight off your shoulders, 
kidney pumping adrenaline that comes from taking a risk and to believe in 
something against the grain; that feeling of epiphany from realising that 
change is what you needed.

  I've hiked on a few hilltops and actually reached a plateau or two. Standing 
on the edge of that cliff - you know that feeling of - If I fall off here, I'm dead.
Well the eagle is a great symbol, that of a creature in his element in places 
where we aren't comfortable. You can respect things that are outside your 
comfort zone or bigger than you if you have the courage to face your fears 
and get up out of the rut that limits your perspective - and what you will see 
is worth all the risk.
  You will know you are truly alive when your heart starts going BOOM, BOOM,BOOM.

  Don't be an empty silhouette, take a risk and be comfortable with the uncomfortable.

***  Solsbury Hill  ***
Climbing up on Solsbury Hill
I could see the city light 
Wind was blowing, time stood still 
Eagle flew out of the night 
He was something to observe 
Came in close, I heard a voice 
Standing stretching every nerve 
Had to listen had no choice 
I did not believe the information 
I just had to trust imagination 
My heart going boom boom boom 
"Son," he said "Grab your things, 
I've come to take you home." 
To keep in silence I resigned 
My friends would think I was a nut 
Turning water into wine 
Open doors would soon be shut 
So I went from day to day 
Tho' my life was in a rut 
'Till I thought of what I'd say 
Which connection I should cut 
I was feeling part of the scenery 
I walked right out of the machinery 
My heart going boom boom boom 
"Hey" he said "Grab your things 
I've come to take you home." 
When illusion spin her net 
I'm never where I want to be 
And liberty she pirouette 
When I think that I am free 
Watched by empty silhouettes 
Who close their eyes but still can see 
No one taught them etiquette 
I will show another me 
Today I don't need a replacement 
I'll tell them what the smile on my face meant 
My heart going boom boom boom 
"Hey" I said "You can keep my things, 
They've come to take me home."

- Peter Gabriel