Tuesday, November 09, 2010


November 11th is not a statutory holiday. I for one do not want it to become one either. Too many 'holidays' lose their meaning when you have time off from work. Personal tasks always take over. At least for most when working, at 11 o'clock on the 11th day of the 11th month we can take 2 minutes to honour those who sacrificed and are sacrificing to keep the world safe from oppression.
Sacrifice, does not necessarily mean to die, but to give up something for someone else. Many of the living deserve as much gratitude as those who passed. In many ways, they gave up much more. They gave up their youth and years of haunting memories instead of peaceful dreams.
The ultimate sacrifice is indeed ultimate, because of its finality; leaving behind all those that could have enjoyed the presence of their company.
I see many people not wearing a poppy. You should wear it. And be proud that your Canadian ancestors gave up a lot to allow for your comfort. What would it cost you to buy a poppy; donation, a loonie, 2 dollars, 5 dollars? I am probably paraphrasing John, I think chapter 15, but, ."Greater love hath no one than this, that a person lay down or offer to lay down one's life for their friends." It cost them. It should cost us a least the price of a poppy and 2 minutes of our time to remember. We have to remember.

Some Facts: