Sunday, December 02, 2007

Being Sick

You know being sick is the pits. You know how much fun you miss out on; Much...

This last week I have been s i c k. I am not sure if it is the flu so much as a bad chest cold. Any way, not fun. I missed my daughter this week, a lot. I suppose you feel the whole world is against you when you are sick. I know it is only 5 days, but normally I see her on the week end or at least talk to her during the week. Not this week. 

Thursday I came home early, Friday I was in bed all day. Friday night she had a sleep over at a girl friends and Saturday she got to go and see the Leafs practice at the ACC. 

Then today I still could not move much from the house. I had to grocery shop and shovel the fn snow that fell today. I was amazed and lucky, she came over after the market with some soup.

It was a short time, but thrilling to see and talk to her. Being sick is lousy, but having your children around takes a lot of the pain away.